Stratos Wallet User Guide


Users can use Stratos Wallet to make different types of transactions on Stratos Chain, including transfer, delegate, undelegated, get rewards, and SDS prepay. SDS prepay transaction allows users to purchase Ozone to use Stratos’s services, such as file upload, download, video streaming, and more.

Users can use the Stratos Wallet application to self-delegate a certain amount of STOS tokens to become a validator node and participate in the Stratos Chain block generation by voting. Stratos faucet allows users to request test tokens to use in their transactions. The Faucet is rate limited and can only be requested every 60 seconds. In order to use the faucet, the user needs a wallet address that can be generated using the Stratos Wallet app.


Users can download the Stratos Wallet application from our official website and install it on Windows, Mac OS, and Linux systems. Stratos team also works with Microsoft and Apple to get the application tested and listed in Windows App Store and Apple App Store. Due to the legal regulations in China, the application is not available in China’s Apple App Store, but it is still available in the App Stores for the other territories.

Connect Wallet

Create a new wallet

If a user does not have a wallet created on Stratos Chain, then the user needs to create a new wallet to use the application. Users can create a wallet using the following steps, first, click on the “Sign In” button on the screen shown after the application is installed.

Then, click on “Import Wallet” to create a new wallet.

Insert a name for the wallet and click on “HERE” to generate the mnemonic phrase for the wallet. The user needs to write down the mnemonic phrase on paper and store it in a safe place. Stratos does not recommend a digital copy of it because anyone with the mnemonic phrase can access the user’s asset, which can not be retrieved once lost.

After clicking on the “Import” button, the user will land on the main screen of the application.

Login with existing wallet

If the user has already created a wallet on Stratos Chain, the user can log in directly using the wallet name and pin by clicking on the “Sign In” button on the first screen after installation. Refer to the screenshot below.

After clicking on “Sign In,” a new screen will appear, and the user can select the wallet by clicking on the dropdown list shown in the screenshot below and then clicking on “Next.”

A new screen will appear for the user to enter the wallet pin for the selected wallet. The pin should be composed of 4 digits and 1 letter.

If the pin is inserted correctly, the user will land on the application’s main screen.

Manage Wallet

The user can click on the icon in the top right corner of the application to manage wallets.

The user can copy the wallet address by simply clicking on the button highlighted in the screenshot below.

Add Wallet

The user can add another wallet by clicking on the “Add Wallet button” and insert the wallet name and mnemonic phrase to be the imported wallet. And click on the “Import” button to land on the application’s main screen.

Lock Wallet

Users can also lock the wallet when absent from the keyboard or don’t need to use the wallet for some time. Users can simply click on the top-right icon and click on “Lock Wallet” to perform such an operation. The wallet will be locked, and the user needs to insert the correct pin to unlock the wallet.

Remove Wallet

Users can remove a wallet from the drop-down menu after clicking on the icon located in the top right corner.

Please note that after the wallet has been removed from the Stratos Wallet app, the user needs to insert the mnemonic phrase to import it back to the application.

Wallet Address

Users can copy wallet addresses from three different places in the application. First, the user needs to click on the icon located on the top right corner and copy the wallet address by simply clicking on the highlighted in the screenshot below.

The second place where the users can copy the wallet address is located on the left pane of the wallet landing page, as shown in the screenshot below.

The third place is the button right next to the copy button, where the user can get a QR code to scan the wallet and get the wallet address.

HD derivation path

A derivation path is a piece of data that tells a Hierarchical Deterministic (HD) wallet how to derive a specific key within a tree of keys. Users can think of it as an account in the wallet, and each wallet can have multiple derivation paths. It allows the users to send transactions to the receiver without creating, backing up, and securing a new private key each time.

Users can change the index number to switch to a different derivation path.


Stratos faucet allows users to request test tokens to use in their transactions. The Faucet is rate limited and can only be requested every one hour. Token requests have to be set apart for at least one hour; otherwise, an error message will pop up like shown below.

Check Balance

Users can click on the “fresh” button to update the balance of the wallet and check on the “Available,” “Delegated,” “Unbounding,” and “Reward” balance, respectively. At the same time, the Past Transactions page will also be updated.

Send Transaction

Users can send different types of transactions using the “Send Transaction” tab on the left navigation bar. After clicking on it, a user needs to select what type of transaction to send from the drop-down list below.

Users can use Stratos Wallet to make different types of transactions:

  • Transfer

  • Delegate

  • Undelegate

  • Get Rewards


Users can send transactions by using the “Transfer” option and fill the form with “Recipient Address” and “Send Amount,” then click on “Generate & Sign Transaction” to complete the transaction.

After clicking on the “Generate & Sign Transaction” button, a transaction will be generated in JSON format. Users can still modify the transaction and click on the “Generate & Sign Transaction” button again to generate the updated transaction.

Once the user has decided on the transaction, click on the “Broadcast Transaction” button to broadcast it to the Stratos network.

It normally takes 5-6 seconds to broadcast the transaction.

After broadcasting, a transaction receipt will be generated, and it can be saved for future reference.


Users can self-delegate a certain amount of STOS tokens to become a validator node and participate in the Stratos Chain block generation by voting. Users can also delegate tokens to other validators to earn rewards. For more information about running a node in the Stratos Chain and getting rewards, please check our Stratos Token Economy paper.

Users can click on the “Send Transaction” tab on the left navigation bar, and select the “Delegate” option in the transaction drop-down list.

Then, the user needs to insert the “Validator Address” and “Send Amount” to delegate in the form and then click on “Generate & Sign Transaction” to complete the transaction.

Once the user has decided on the transaction, then click on the “Broadcast Transaction” button to broadcast it to the entire Stratos network.

It normally takes 5-6 seconds to broadcast the transaction.

After broadcasting, a transaction receipt will be generated and it can be saved for future reference.


Users can click on the “Send Transaction” tab on the left navigation bar and select “Undelegate” option in the transaction drop-down list.

Then, the user needs to insert the “Validator Address” and “Amount” to undelegate in the form and then click on “Generate & Sign Transaction” to complete the transaction.

Once the user has decided on the transaction, click on the “Broadcast Transaction” button to broadcast it to Stratos network.

It normally takes 5-6 seconds to broadcast the transaction.

After broadcasting, a transaction receipt will be generated and it can be saved for future reference.

Get Rewards

Users can withdraw delegation rewards by selecting the “Get Rewards” option after clicking on the “Send Transaction” tab on the left navigation bar.

Then, the user needs to insert the “Validator Address” that the user has delegated tokens to and click on “Generate & Sign Transaction” to complete the transaction.

Once the user has decided on the transaction, then click on the “Broadcast Transaction” button to broadcast it to the entire Stratos network.

It normally takes 5-6 seconds to broadcast the transaction.

After broadcasting, a transaction receipt will be generated and it can be saved for future reference.

Transaction History

Users can check all the transactions that have been made on the wallet main screen as shown below.

All the transactions are also categorized and listed under each transaction type. Users can click on each type of transaction label to view each transaction.

For more detailed information, users can click on the “Details” button to view all the data in the JSON format, including the “eventSender”, “txType”, “amount”, “time”, and etc.


Users can click on the “Broadcast” button on the left navigation bar to broadcast a transaction to the Stratos network. This will open up a page that allows the user to paste a signed raw transaction in JSON format and broadcast it over the Stratos network.


Users can view the list of validators by clicking on the “Reward” button on the left navigation bar.


Users can delegate tokens to validators listed on this page directly to earn rewards. For more information about running a node in the Stratos Chain and getting rewards, please check our Stratos Token Economy paper.

Users can click on the “Delegate” button on the right of each validator node.

The user needs to insert the “Delegation Amount” to delegate in the form and click on “Generate & Sign Transaction” to complete the transaction.

Once the user has decided on the transaction, click on the “Broadcast Transaction” button to broadcast it to the entire Stratos network.

It normally takes 5-6 seconds to broadcast the transaction.

After broadcasting, a transaction receipt will be generated and it can be saved for future reference.

Get All Rewards

Users can withdraw all the delegation rewards from all the delegated validators by clicking the “Get all rewards” button on the top right corner of the page.

It normally takes 5-6 seconds to broadcast the transaction.

After broadcasting, a transaction receipt will be generated and it can be saved for future reference.


Users can check various metrics on Stratos testnet by clicking on the “Explorer” button on the left navigation bar.

A web interface will display different data on Stratos Blockchain, such as block height, available ozone, ozone price, total transactions, etc. This page can also be accessed via

Please contact us on Discord for any questions about our Stratos Wallet.

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Last updated